LCB practical assignment
If you want to obtain your Green Belt or Black Belt certification via LCB, a practical assignment is part of the process. In practice, you show that you have sufficient command of the theory. The assignment is carried out independently or in pairs. The evaluation of the assignment is based on an assessment.
When carrying out a practical assignment, guidance is required. This guidance is provided by a (Master) Black Belt. This may be someone from the organisation where the assignment takes place, or someone from LCB. The supervision of a Green Belt requires 4 hours and that of a Black Belt 8 hours.
An assessment is used to determine whether a practical assignment meets the requirements. The supervisor records his/her findings in a standard assessment form. Based on the LCS accreditation, LCB makes the final assessment using the assessment form and the supplied documents.
4 hours supervision
Assessment practical assignment
Assessment practical assignment
8 hours supervision
Assessment practical assignment
Assessment practical assignment