Three examples of strong leadership
Taking leadership is essential to achieving what you envision in your work. Whether you run a large or small business, are a team manager, self-employed or an employee. Leadership means that you: Having a vision of what you want to achieve; Being aware that you have influence over others; Using your influence to understand what…
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What are the prerequisites to start continuously improving
There are roughly two ways to achieve improvement in your work: with small steps or through a major change all at once. In crisis situations or with major innovations (such as a new product line or change in strategy), it is usually better to implement the change all at once, project by project. In all…
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Why working well together is so important
Even if you work alone, collaborating with others often leads to better results, more creative solutions and more fun. Working with others in a team has several benefits: Becoming aware of differences in knowledge and skills allows you to use them in creative problem solving; When people work well together, synergy is created and the…
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Three ways to make your customer’s desire central
We live in a time when our wishes can be fulfilled instantly. If you need a bowl of ice cream now, it will be delivered within ten minutes and you can enjoy it. Parcels are delivered on the same day if you wish. Companies respond to the fulfilment of customer wishes as quickly and effectively…
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Are you taking responsibility?
What makes work fun is that you are responsible for what you do and what you deliver. In organisations, that is often easier said than done. For example, you work in an organisation where others determine for you what you should do. Or you have colleagues who have a different idea of what constitutes good…
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This is how effectiveness ensures even more results
When you work effectively, you do the right things right. But how do you know what the right things are and what is good? Therefore, it is important to know the purpose of your organisation and your work. You need to know what it takes to serve your customers optimally. In organisations, it is often about speed. But…
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Improve capacity for high quality and satisfied employees
Ideally, your organisation has exactly the right amount of people with the right knowledge and experience and/or the right amount of systems and equipment to serve your customer well. Too much costs money and too little may mean that you cannot deliver your services and products to your customers on time. If you do too…
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Increase your agility and keep surprising your customer!
Moving with your customer is important for success. The first requirement is to know what your customers want. Asking them regularly is then the obvious thing to do. If you know your customers very well, you can think of new products or services to surprise them with. You will also know which points for improvement…
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How do you give and receive feedback?
It seems so easy: when you see someone doing something you like, you give them a compliment; when you see someone doing something that makes you unhappy, you say something about it. Yet in practice, giving and receiving feedback is difficult. Giving feedback on the content of the work is generally possible, but calling someone…
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Achieve greater efficiency by working smarter
When you work more efficiently, you get a lot done and achieve more with less effort and resources. You will work more efficiently by: Setting priorities; Focusing on the things you find important; Planning and dividing your time realistically; Delegating where possible; Regularly evaluating what is going well and what can be improved and then applying…
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