The LEANmeter measures how LEAN teams work
Teams know their own products and services inside out. They understand their profession. But do they also know whether they really always …
… have satisfied customers?
… achieve their objectives?
… pay enough attention to their personal development?
… work well together with colleagues?
The LEANmeter provides quick insight into the strengths and areas of improvement of an individual and a team. The online tool focuses on four areas:
The LEANmeter is the online measuring tool for starting changes
- Team member receives an invitation to complete the questionnaire.
- Team member completes online questionnaire – 5 min.
- Team member can access an online personal report with strengths and areas of improvement.

- Team members complete the LEANmeter and receive a personal report.
- Client receives a team report with scores, opinions, strengths and areas for improvement,
as well as an insight into the distribution within the team. - The client takes action to initiate changes on the basis of the team report.

Change workshops
- Determine together three focus improvements for the entire team.
- Regularly monitor and discuss the progress of the chosen areas of improvement.
- Optional:
- LEANmeter repeat reports
- Coaching of the team
by an accredited LEANmeter facilitator

See how Dirk’s team uses the LEANmeter to improve.
Use the LEANmeter yourself?
As a LEAN Black Belt or change manager you can get accredited, so you can use the LEANmeter yourself as a facilitator with teams. You learn the ins and outs of the tool. You get insight in practical experiences and if you wish, you get guidance in your first use of the LEANmeter.
With the LEANmeter you immediately start a dialogue to initiate change.
- Contact us directly.
- Fill in the personal questionnaire yourself.